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Virtual Tours: Fun Things To Do While at Home During the Coronavirus Quarantine

July 13, 2020
Category: Things to do in Long Beach

As we all know, Coronavirus has impacted the world in many ways. Seemingly everything that once was as it was, is now and will continue to be different in adaptation to a new normal. 

Social distancing is the new normal. Wearing masks is the new normal. There may be more things under the umbrella of new normal, for what those are and for how long are yet to be seen.

It’s undeniable that things are still very shaky and very weird. This will be the case for the foreseeable future because we’re still trying to understand the full scope of this virus and how it will continue to affect the world. Trying to predict how the future will look is not an easy thing to do, but we’re all trying to make due and stay as safe as possible in the meantime.

While quarantine orders are constantly in flux, especially for travel, many people are choosing to remain at home and avoid contact with others. Many people are also working from home while everything is being figured out. How people spend their days has been modified significantly as well, and people are constantly looking for new ways to occupy their time and make room for some positivity. 

In this article, we’re going to go over a list of some things to do at home during the Coronavirus including virtual tours and other activities. 

Use this list also as a springboard to come up with your own ways to occupy your time and have some fun in the process.

Let’s dive in.



Virtual Tours


A virtual tour can be described as a simulation of a location that currently exists in which the user has a virtual experience of, comprised of photos and videos with multimedia including sound and narration.

Interactive tours are increasing in popularity because it’s the next best thing next to traveling to a physical location, and since people are opting out of traveling due to safety concerns.

Luckily, there are many companies and institutions that are offering free virtual tours of famous landmarks and locations including Disney World, San Diego Zoo, and The Lourve in Paris, France.

While there are many more free virtual tours online available, here are a few to get your started. Browse the list below by category and experience these free interactive tours, courtesy of the companies that host them.


Theme Park Virtual Tours

Disney World (Anaheim) – Including virtual theme park rides and panoramas of the street.

Universal Studios Hollywood – Including a photo gallery, and many virtual tours.

Sea World Orlando – Get up close and personal with this park with this virtual tour, without getting wet!

Cedar Point – Called the Roller Coaster Capital of the World, this interactive tour and VR experience is a must-see. 

Disney World (Orlando) Need more Disney action? Check out Disney World in Orlando for more virtual fun!


Museum Virtual Tours

Vatican Museum – Offering a virtual reality experience of their artwork.

Google Arts and Culture – Users can explore many works of art online with a click of the mouse.

The Lourve – Virtual Tours of Exhibitions and Galleries including The Advent of the Artist, Power Plays, The Body in Movement, and Egyptian Antiquities.

The Frick Collection – Peruse the galleries that make up the Frick in this amazing virtual tour!

Art Institute of Chicago – Browse the collections of masterpieces, here. 


Zoo & Aquarium Virtual Tours


San Diego Zoo – Live cams of animals including Apes, Giraffes, and Hippos!

Monterey Bay Aquarium – webcams for many sea animals!

The Cincinnati Zoo – Check out their live Facebook Feed, here!

The Shedd Aquarium – This aquarium in Chicago, Il showcases videos, images, and more on their Facebook page.

Zoo Atlanta – Various live streams available on their site, including their famous Panda Cam!


Alongside going on virtual tours of your favorite amusement parks, zoos, and museums, there are also plenty of other things you can do during your extended time at home. These can help kickstart some healthy habits, eliminate current habits that aren’t desirable, and be more productive.


These include:


Learn how to cook

Take up a hobby

Workout at home and/or participate in online Yoga classes

Clean your space


Anything you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t had the time to do so (if you are one of those people who has extra time during their day)


Hotel Current is a hotel located in Long Beach, CA that is designed to ‘uplift the spirit’ and strives to provide a personalized experience for every guest that enters the door. Read our commitment to keeping our guests safe and healthy during this time. Book your local stay with Hotel Current today and experience the difference.